Enhancing RESTful WebAPI controllers with RPC style endpoints

During the setup stage of the new project I’m working on, the decision was made to try and use RESTful WebAPI controllers that would support RPC style endpoints as well. I did a bit of research and found a nice post from Carolyn Van Slyck that explains how this can be achieved by creating a few different routing rules in the WebApiConfig file. I wasn’t however fully satisfied with this approach so I tried to do it in a different way.

If you follow .net’s WebAPI conventions, you can simply write action methods that start with http verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and everything will work out of the box with the default WebApiConfig setup. For example you can name your RESTful action methods something like GetAllProducts, GetProduct, PostProduct, etc… No extra action route attributes (such as RoutePrefix, Route, HttpGet/Post/Put/Delete) are needed for this approach. WebAPI will in this case expect the correct http verb.

However, as soon as you add a custom action, it will start causing problems (you will start getting the infamous “Multiple actions were found that match the request” response). Say you add CustomGetEndpoint method - this will cause GetAllProducts and GetProduct to not work any more. Luckily by adding a few things we can make it work.

The first step is to enable attribute routing in your WebApiConfig:

// WebApiConfig.cs

public static class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        // Add this line to register Attribute-Routing

            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

The second step is to add the RoutePrefix to your controller and to add the Route and http verb attributes to all your custom RPC actions (they of course don’t have to start with “custom” but you can name them whatever you want):

// RestVsRpc.cs

public class ProductsController : ApiController
    // Route: GET /api/products/3
    public IHttpActionResult GetProduct(int id)
        return Ok("Product " + id);

    // Route: GET /api/products
    public IHttpActionResult GetAllProducts()
        return Ok("All Products");

    // Route: POST /api/products { id: 3 }
    public IHttpActionResult PostProduct(ProductModel model)
        return Ok("Create Product " + model.Id);

    // Route: PUT /api/products/3 { id: 3 }
    public IHttpActionResult PutProduct(ProductModel model)
        return Ok("Update Product " + model.Id);

    // Route: DELETE /api/products/3
    public IHttpActionResult DeleteProduct(int id)
        return Ok("Delete Product " + id);

    // Route: GET /api/products/customEndPoint?id=3
    public IHttpActionResult CustomGetEndpoint(int id)
        return Ok("Custom Get " + id);

    // Route: POST /api/products/customEndPoint { id: 3 }
    public IHttpActionResult CustomPostEndpoint(ProductModel model)
        return Ok("Custom Post " + model.Id);

In this case ProductModel is very simple:

// ProductModel.cs

public class ProductModel
    public int Id { get; set; }

Keep in mind that if you are using a BaseApiController class which inherits .net’s ApiController, ensure that all your methods are protected. If you make your BaseApiController methods public, this will mess up the routing and you will start getting the “Multiple actions were found that match the request” response (took me long enough to figure that one out!).

That’s all folks, you can now enjoy both worlds at the same time. Enjoy!