F# Koans - The Stock Example

I’m currently in the process of learning functional programming and it feels like being back in my teens and discovering programming for the first time.. again. :) I’ve been going through F# Koans and this was the first exercise that took me a little more than no time to complete. It felt good to do it so I thought I’d share my solution.

namespace FSharpKoans
open FSharpKoans.Core
open System

// Apply Your Knowledge!
// Below is a list containing comma separated data about
// Microsoft's stock prices during March of 2012. Without
// modifying the list, programatically find the day with the
// greatest difference between the opening and closing prices.
[<Koan(Sort = 15)>]
module ``about the stock example`` =

    let stockData =
        [ "Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close";
          "2012-02-29,31.89,32.00,31.61,31.74,59323600,31.74"; ]

    let splitCommas (x:string) =

    let findColumnIndex data key =
        |> List.head
        |> splitCommas
        |> Array.findIndex ((=) key)

    let parseDailyData data =
        |> List.tail
        |> List.map splitCommas

    let getDailyDiffs data =
        let dateIndex = findColumnIndex data "Date"
        let openIndex = findColumnIndex data "Open"
        let closeIndex = findColumnIndex data "Close"
        let diff x y = abs(Double.Parse(x) - Double.Parse(y))

        |> parseDailyData
        |> List.map (fun x -> (x.[dateIndex], diff x.[closeIndex] x.[openIndex]))

    let getMaxDailyDiff data =
        |> getDailyDiffs
        |> List.maxBy (fun (_, x) -> x)

    let YouGotTheAnswerCorrect() =
        let result, _ = getMaxDailyDiff stockData

        AssertEquality "2012-03-13" result

Being a complete F# newbie, I’d like you to share your solution or opinion in the comments.

How can I improve this? Thanks!